
ImageInversion Screenshot

Reverse the colors in images

Download on the App Store

ImageInversion is a macOS app that inverts the colors in an image.

I wrote this little app to help me convert light mode graphics to dark mode on the fly, since I like to use dark backgrounds in my presentations. It also is an easy way to make negative images of photos.

Just drag an image into ImageInversion, then drag the result into another app. Or drag the result onto your desktop to save it as a new PNG image file.


  • Invert images in a variety of formats, such as PNG, JPEG, and PDF.
  • Generates inverted bitmap images, such as PNG files.
  • Use drag and drop or copy and paste.
  • Optionally, only swap black and white, preserving other colors. NOTE: This option works best with high-resolution charts and simple graphics. It does not work well for photos.

Price and Availability

ImageInversion is now available on the Mac App Store for $0.99 USD.


If you have questions or encounter any issues using ImageInversion, or questions about ImageInversion's privacy policy (the App Store requires you to have a privacy policy, even though ImageVersion doesn't collect any personal information at all), please contact me at

ImageInversion Screenshot